Friday, April 25, 2008

Our Goodies From The Scrapbook Expo

I promised a while ago on my other blog that I would show off some of the amazing stuff we got from the Scrapbook Expo. So I finally uploaded the pictures.... and here they are.

This is my little puny pile of stuff. However, I only paid 15.00 for all of it. And when you consider everything I got, it was an amazing deal!

Here is Tammy, sitting very happily in front of her amazing pile of goodies. I don't know how much she ended up paying, but she got some great stuff! There are a few things that she got that I am a little mad at myself for not getting.

And then there is Holly's massive pile. She did some great shopping as well. I am truly amazed with the great deals we found.

I am planning on saving as much money as possible so I can get a LOT more in September when the expo will be back. They had refurbished cricut machines for 99.00. I know that both Holly and I are going to be saving so we can hopefully get one of those the next time we go.